We continuously develop creative tools for teaching about environmental issues such as Climate Change, Plastic Pollution, Biodiversity Conservation, etc. among school students and the public. The forest serves as a living laboratory where students and groups can learn practically. Some of our education programmes are as follows:

These are interactive workshops which inform students of the critical challenges facing our Earth’s climate and empowers them to take local action for global change. During the workshop, students are presented with scientific information about Biodiversity Conservation, Plastic Pollution, Climate Change issues and others using anecdotes, storytelling, multimedia and a fun tour of the nature reserve.

However, the session does not end there. We believe that students are at the centre of tomorrow’s solutions and if they start thinking critically about these issues today, the state of our rapidly deteriorating environment can be salvaged. As a result, they are challenged to develop innovative solutions that can solve environmental problems at the school, community and national levels.

For some teams, the workshop may inspire a small lifestyle change and for others it may influence them to pursue responsible environmental stewardship and leadership in whatever career path they tread.

Our project was born out of the lack of home-grown innovative teaching materials on Climate Change that combine science with community realities.

To address this challenge, we sought community intelligence from school reps, environmental educators, community leaders and religious groups. We translated the wealth of knowledge into colorful Climate Change booklets, an animated video, interactive games, activities and a fun exploration of the forest.

Every year during the Easter and summer holidays, we lead students on once-in-a-lifetime eco excursions to places of Nature preservation importance. The excursions combine wildlife and nature visits with city expositions and fun tours across Africa. Contact us for more information on how to join this tour.

We commemorate global environment days to further enlighten and advocate for a healthy natural environment. Some of these include World Environment Day, World Biodiversity Day, and International Day of Forests e.t.c.